A new key biodiversity platform for cross sectoral collaboration
For its inaugural launch, World Biodiversity Summit will help define what world leaders and the private sector in biodiversity and climate action need to do in the medium and long term to achieve sustainable development and hinder further biodiversity loss, focusing on partnerships and investment mechanisms as levers of progress. World Biodiversity Summit is a platform for responding to accelerating biodiversity loss, by using the Paris Agreement as a framework to learn from, promoting relevant solutions, innovations, and leadership networks, strengthening nature restoration and conservation. Nature-based solutions will be highlighted, from specificecosystems to global possibilities.
25 September 2025
New York, USA
Climate Week NYC
Michael Hillary
Group Executive: Finance Operations, Development Bank of Southern Africa
Employed by DBSA for 12 years. Experience in various areas of expertise within banking sectors in South Africa ranging from Research and Strategy; Credit (industrial sectors and cross border activities); and currently the Group Executive for Financing Operations, which houses the following divisions: Credit, ESG, OEU, Portfolio Management and Risk Specialist experts.
Previously worked at First Rand for 17. Working through WesBank I started in Research and Strategy and assumed the role of CEO’s assistant dealing with wide ranging issues from group reporting, investor presentations to special projects looking at new market opportunities. From WesBank I moved into FNB looking after strategic marketing for Niche Markets and care taking the Small Business Market before moving into RMB in a credit role. In this capacity I was initially primarily involved in the industrial sector before leading the credit for RMB’s cross border activities. I was an “independent” deployed First Rand member on WesBanks credit comm and was a member of First Rands Cross Border Credit Comm (Largest in-house committee before Board committee which sat for notifiable deals to the SARB).
Current Chair of HIFSA (Housing Impacts Fund South Africa) Committee.