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16:25 – 17:10

Down To Earth: A Practical Approach to Implementing the Global Biodiversity Framework 

The success of the Global Biodiversity Framework requires clear and measurable indicators for tracking its progress. CBD has released standardised language and definitions for the framework, while TNFD provided a comprehensive toolkit for nature impact assessment and disclosure. But what steps should we take to scale these methods?


How can we ensure accountability and transparency in reaching the targets across all sectors and supply chains? Can climate methodologies be adapted for measuring biodiversity goals? This session brings together key stakeholders to present existing tools, address gaps, and streamline implementation processes, fostering informed decision-making across sectors ahead of COP16. 



Kristian Teleki

CEO, Fauna & Flora

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Marco Lambertini

Nature Positive Initiative

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Natacha Boric

Head of Policy and Positive Impact, Finance for Biodiversity Foundation

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Dr Andrea Porro

Secretary General, World Farmers Organisation

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